Women Cell constituted in the institute for the issues related to girl students and women staff members in the institute. The cell was constituted vide office order no.GPA/1626 dated 16/9/2015.
Women Help Line Number: 1091
Sr.No. |
Name |
Designation |
1. | Dr. Sunita Rani | Chairman |
2. | Smt. Pammi Devi | Member |
3. | Smt. Neetu Gupta | Member |
4. | Ms. Swaroop Kaur | Member |
- International Women’s Day’ was celebrated in the institute on 08/03/2016.
- A seminar on ‘Women Empowerment” was conducted on 19/01/2016.
- A Two- day Sensitization Program was organized under the subject of ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ on 21/01/2016 & 22/01/2016 as per instructions of District Program Officer, Ambala. Various events like Slogan writing, Poster making, Quiz contest were conducted and prizes were given away to the winners by Chief Guest Honorable Deputy Commissioner, Ambala.
- An Expert Lecturer on’ Self-Defence Awareness’ was delivered by Smt. Archana Sharma, Lecturer, Govt. Polytechnic Ambala on 31/08/2016 to all girl students & staff members of the institute.