S.No. | Course Name | Duration | Intake | * Intake in Direct 2nd year
of course through Lateral Entry |
1 | Diploma in Architecture | 3 years | 60 | 12 |
2 | Diploma in Auto Engg. | 3 years | 60 | 12 |
3 | Diploma in Civil Engg. | 3 years | 120 | 24 |
4 | Diploma in Computer Engg. | 3 years | 60 | 12 |
5 | Diploma in Electrical Engg. | 3 years | 60 | 12 |
6 | Diploma in Electronics & Comm. Engg. | 3 years | 60 | 12 |
7 | Diploma in Mechanical Engg. | 3 years | 120 | 24 |
8 | Diploma in Plastic Technology | 3 years | 60 | 12 |
9 | Library & Information Science (for the students of speech and hearing impaired) |
3 years | 30 | -- |
* The dropout vacancy, if any, of 1st year will also be added to this intake.
Eligibility for taking Admission in Diploma Engineering ( Three Years duration semester based course)
- Passed 10th Std/ SSC Examination
- Obtained at least 35% marks (33% in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes category or Kashmiri Migrants Category) at the qualifying examination.
- Compulsory pass in Maths and Science subjects in the qualifying examination. Admission in a Diploma Engg. course shall be made on the basis of merit of Secondary School Examination (Matriculation) or equivalent qualifying examination. Admission in Diploma Engg. Course shall be made on the basis of merit of Secondary School Examination (Matriculation) or equivalent qualifying examination
Eligibility for taking Admission in Diploma Engineering Lateral Entry ( Two Years duration semester based course)
All those candidates who have passed ITI of at least two years duration (after 10th), 10+2 (vocational),10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Math (PCM) or 12th class passed with NSQF level 4 will be eligible for consideration in various Diploma Engineering courses on the basis of merit/ rank obtained in DET (L)-2017 only and as per the compatibility of the courses.
The candidates who have passed ITI of at least two years duration (after 10th) or 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Math (PCM) will be eligible for consideration in all streams of Diploma Engg.
- The candidates who have passed 10+2 (Arts/ Commerce) will be eligible for consideration in Non-Engineering Diploma Courses (Diploma in Business Management, Industrial & Personal Management, Hotel Management, Finance, Accounts & Auditing, Library & Information Science and Office Management & Computer Application) only.
- Candidates who have passed 10+2 (Medical) will be eligible for consideration in Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology only.
- The candidates who have passed 12th class with NSQF level 4 or 10+2 (Vocational) will be eligible as per the compatibility of the course.
- Candidates who have completed Three years diploma in the particular branch would be eligible to take admission in 2nd year of a different branch through lateral entry.
Admission of the candidates to the Diploma level courses under the lateral entry scheme will be made on the basis of inter-se-merit/rank of On-Line Lateral Entry Diploma Entrance Test i.e. DET (L)
How to Apply for Admission
Process for applying for admission to Diploma Courses is ONLINE through the website www.onlinetesthry.gov.in.
Counseling for Admission
Admission to Diploma Courses is made through ONLINE COUNSELING on the web portal www.techadmissions.gov.in.
S.No. | Fee/Funds | Fee (Per Sem) | Remarks |
1 | Tuition Fee | Rs. 1500/- | |
2 | Development Charges | Rs. 750/- | |
3 | Security/Caution Money) | Rs. 1500/- |
One Time & Refundable |
4 | Student Fund | Rs. 600/- | |
5 | Building Fund | Rs. 250/- |
One time at the time of Admission |
Total fee to be paid at Admission | 4600/- |
Equivalency of Diploma Course with 10 +2 for Haryana Govt. Jobs
नोट :-
हरियाणा सरकार की अधिसूचना क्रमांक 44/06/2016-04 TE, दिनांक 08.09.2016, के अनुसार हरियाणा तकनीकी शिक्षा बोर्ड द्वारा जारी किये गए इंजीनियरिंग डिप्लोमा कोर्स हरियाणा में सरकारी नौकरी के लिए डिप्लोमा योग्यता के अतिरिक्त 10+2 योग्यता के समकक्ष भी मान्य है। यह प्रावधान उच्च शिक्षा के लिए भी मान्य है।
For more details, kindly see the Diploma Prospectus available on the website http://www.hstes.org.in/