
Branchwise Students Enrollment in 2022 (1st Semester, 3rd Semester and 5th Semester)
Name of Branch Sanctioned Intake Semester Male Students on Roll Female Students on Roll Total students on roll
Architectural Assistantship 60 1st 33 10 43
60 3rd 37 12 49
60 5th 35 8 43
Automobile Engg. 60 1st 57 0 57
60 3rd 65 0 65
60 5th 62 0 62
Civil Engg. 120 1st 98 8 106
120 3rd 111 6 117
120 5th 112 5 117
Computer Engg. 60 1st 42 23 65
60 3rd 53 18 71
60 5th 51 16 67
Electrical Engg. 60 1st 56 5 61
60 3rd 63 5 68
60 5th 63 4 67
Electronics and Communication Engg. 60 1st 48 1 49
60 3rd 46 0 46
60 5th 42 2 44
Mechanical Engg. 120 1st 126 2 128
120 3rd 132 6 138
120 5th 125 3 128
Plastic Engg. 60 1st 17 0 17
60 3rd 12 0 12
60 5th 15 0 15
TOTAL STUDENTS ON ROLL AS ON DATE 1800 - 1501 134 1635